Saturday, December 1, 2012

We all start somewhere

We always have a way of starting out some place or another. Sometimes it’s at school, other times it’s just a café. But when I started to write, when I really threw myself into writing, it was on Facebook, yes I did say Facebook.

As most know, there are roleplayers on Facebook that take characters from a book or create a character on their own. When I started out I had just finish reading Sherrilyn Kenyon's book Winter Born. And the most intriguing character I enjoyed was Leonardo Pontis, he was funny and loved. And having a twin brother no doubt sealed the deal for me, once I set him up and meet some interesting people I started out in a whirl wind of stories. But… not for Leonardo…

Since he was a book base character there wasn’t much I could do for him, not much I can write that is and I rarely wrote for him at that time.  I had been going through so much that being on him became so frustrating and at that time a use to be friend asked for help. So being who I was I helped this friend out, but in the end nothing happened. But a profile went up and the Norse Were-God, Fenrir, became someone that I started to write for.

He was awesome, an ancient wolf being held the life of a God that tied him down to a rock just to protect himself. And in my eyes well that didn’t go over so well in my mind when I read the Norse Legend of Fenrir. In the end Fenrir became something more than just a Were-God that needed to kill Odin. In my mind a story started to take into shape and it had a hold on me and no matter how badly I would have shaken it off. I couldn’t, the story developed, the characters came into shape, the attitudes, the jobs, the memories, and everything else that went with it.

Fenrir just didn’t become some character I played on Facebook, he became a part of me and there are days that I would looove to strangle the secretive wolf. But something always stops me, a new idea for a storyline, a new plot that always came to view. And he would come alive, he would swagger into view and his story would launch forward without a second thought.

I guess that’s why I started to write his story, his book, I wanted those to know that he isn’t just some secret person that lies about who he is. His someone that wants those around him to tear the walls down, to knock the mask off and see him for who he is.

And that’s why I write so much for him, that’s why I adore him. His Fenrir… you can never go wrong with a Were-God that wants to just be himself

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